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In the market of multiple products, the business which fails to be regularly creative and innovative cannot survive in the corporate world. Publicizer is an event where the participants need to utilize their creative acumen to the fullest and stand out among their competitors to become the best.


  1. Each school will be represented by only one participant.

  2. A picture or product will be shown to the participant. The participant will have to give a name to the product, give it a tagline and present it in the most appealing manner in form of a poster.

  3. One hour will be given to the participants for making their poster.

  4. The name and tagline must reflect the product shown and should be original and unique.

  5. An A3 size paper will be provided for creating an advertisement poster. Pen, markers, paint and other required materials have to be brought by the participant.

  6. Any participant found using name or tagline of any existing product will be disqualified.

Judgement will be on the basis of :

A) Creativity

B) Drawing Skills

C) Name of the product


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