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Being a corporate lawyer is not easy. In the business world, you may be asked to defend a variety of opinions qwelling and quashing your own personal belief. In Turncoat, your logical skills will be put to test as you speak for and against your topic.


  1. Each school will be represented by one participant only.

  2. The participant should be in the attire of a lawyer and must fight his case out like a lawyer (considering the situation of both the parties). He will defend both the parties by putting forward the point of view from both the sides.

  3. Like a lawyer, the participant must prove the false statements to be true and contradict the true statements. The speaker has to speak for 3 minutes under which the speaker will have to toggle between 'for' and 'against' multiple times whenever "SWITCH" is commanded, thereby contradicting the previous statements.

  4. After the attorney finishes his/her case, the other participants in the court room would be given a chance to raise objections against the case. The attorney would be given time to defend his case against the objections.

  5. The participant must not carry any written document or electronic equipment while speaking.

CASE : Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH) is more important in judging the well-being of a country than Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Judgement will be on the basis of :

A) Humour B) Content

C) Spontaneity D) Speaking skills

E) Pronunciation F) Confidence

G) Diction H) Conviction

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