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Time Pen

TIME PEN is an event which effectively tests the participant's command over the pen as well as the prudence which is characteristic to a good entrepreneur. A wise bid along with the effective usage of language will fetch great rewards.

1. The competition is a two-fold event consisting of a bidding round and a writing round. 2. Each school will be represented by one participant only. 3. The participant will have 120 minutes in his/her vault. The participant has to use these 120 minutes as a currency to bid for a preferred character, setting and object. 4. The participant is expected to write a composition based on the bought character, setting and object in the residual time. 5. Character, setting and object once bought cannot be replaced or refunded. 6. In case of any dispute, the decision of the auction er shall be final and binding. 7. The composition will be adjudged on the following criteria;

  • Effective usage of the bought character, setting and object.

  • Grammar and usage of language.

  • Impact of the composition.

  • Creativity.

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